“Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.”

- William Somerset Maugham

Monday, September 21, 2009

Perceptions. Distractions.

We talked today (tonight) in class about perceptions. About how we perceive things differently. This was all spoken of in the name of criticism, how other cultures/time periods looked at a piece of literature etc etc etc, Professor Garton even talked about how my perception of the desk was different from his perception of the desk, and thus there were actually two desks (or as many desks as their were people in the room).
It's interesting to think of all the different perceptions in the world. How I perceive something is totally different than how you perceive it. And if I were to attempt to explain my perception to you, you come to it with your own and are thus biased (whether for or against mine).
Thus the question: is anything objective?
Well I don't want to get into that, but perceptions...
Perceptions make life interesting. Differing perceptions make life worth living. I would hate a world where everyone saw things the same, or rather everyone was sitting on my lap as the metaphor has it.
Some perceptions are annoying. Damn annoying. Others are admirable. Some are just unheard of. And still others are completely and utterly unique, but so profound that they catch you off guard.
In class we were talking about a story where a woman put a down payment on an abortion ($5 down payment, ha! still makes me laugh...) and Garton explained that it could be seen as admirable if it was used as a threat in order to get the man to shape up. I vocalized my agreement to this statement (that it was understandable, not that it was right). Hosanna objected and said the fact that the family didn't have the money to give their son 50¢ made the down payment/idea of a threat reckless and immature. I realized that I had not thought of that factor, granted I had only stated that I could see how the use of the abortion as a threat could be seen as noble, still it bothered me that I had failed to look at the issue from this perspective.
Small? Yes. Petty? Definitely. It still stuck with me and got me thinking about all these different angles I fail to see and factor in.
I realize I'm naïve at times and I'm fine with that (by fine I mean I acknowledge it and am working on it), I don't know...

There comes a time when life becomes too overwhelming. When things begin to wear you down to the point where you just want to scream because your emotions/mind/whole body is telling you that something is not right. If you're like me, and you've spent the last three years training yourself to never lose control in anger or even break down and cry, these times can be extremely difficult as there is no way to get rid your emotions.
As a writer, I typically turn to poetry.
Rocky Votolato sings:
"Caught me looking through you're eyes,
No, I'm not doing alright
I'm just as stupid and desperate as I've always been
All this uselessness I write
Just come at me with a knife
Come cut this sickness from my mind
Help me forget about a shattered lie
Bleed my failure into something right."
("The Night's Disguise" from the album "Makers")
I always sing "Help me forget about a shattered life," but apparently that's wrong and I just learned that. I like my line better, frankly. :) I love this chorus (I love this song, I love this album, greatest album of all time in my book) because I feel like this so often. Some of my favorite bits are "No, I'm not doing alright," "All this uselessness I write," "Just come at me with a knife/Come cut this sickness from my mind," and "Bleed my failure into something right." Ok so that's almost the whole chorus, but I said it was one of my favorite songs so, give me a break.
For me, recently, I have learned the value of distractions in these times of desperation and utter emotional/mental/physical retreat. Mainly I turn to stories. Television mostly because I can relax. Many, many times books, don't get me wrong I'm still an English Major, c'mon. Often I turn to music.
Many times I find people to be a distraction. Friends for coffee or a movie. Sometimes just in thought a person can be a distraction.

The point? No point. I ramble. Forgive me if I talk a little wild. Not like anyone reads this anyway. :) These are my thoughts.
Now, I need a distraction. Pizza and the season premiere of How I Met Your Mother? Yes. Please.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

And the Most Bad-Ass Line of the Year Award goes to...

Castiel (from the TV series Supernatural)
for saying, "I'm going to find God" in last weeks episode.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

And the Greatest Sheep Impression of the Semester Award goes to...

Professor Natalie Hewitt
for Baaaaaaaaing in reply to "And what does BA stand for, Mrs. Hewitt?"

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sigh. I'm Not That Strong Yet...

I just wrote a post that none of you will see, because I can't be that honest.
I can't be that real.
And I wish that I could, but I can't.

This helped though. Thanks, Glen.