“Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.”

- William Somerset Maugham

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spit in the Mud... go on, try it, it's fun...

About two weeks ago, one of my best friends, Hosanna Wong, approached me about joining her in starting a ministry team called Spit in the Mud (SITM). The team would aim to use spoken word poetry (or spitting) to reach out to youth groups, camps, and schools to show God's love and messages. We spitballed (pun intended) for a while about how we would do it, and then she talked to our good friend and my future roommate Danny Sugimoto about adding to the team his own flare of spoken word.
All of us had already been practicing a spit skit that Hosanna wrote for chapel at Hope International University, so we all had a ballpark idea of what it would kind of be like. We performed the piece "We Will Be Different" in chapel and it went amazingly well.
We now have at least one school and a few churches asking us to come out there to speak and we haven't even started doing PR yet. This has just been an amazing opportunity and it's only just begun.
For those who happen to read my blog and also have a Facebook, we have a page, just search for "Spit in the Mud." Please, feel free to contact us for any sort of setting.
Oh, and here's the video of "We Will Be Different," we have a better version (but still not great) but we haven't had the time to upload it yet.
Thanks so much for reading.

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